Interior design

“D9 Artsy Office”

Designers: office „IMPLMNT architects“

Client: UAB „D9“, 2023

In 2022, an office-gallery "D9 Artsy Office" with an exhibition of contemporary art was established at 9 Domaševičiaus Street. It consists of almost 200 works from the collection of the private art foundation Lewben Art Foundation. At the end of the 19th century, the architect V. Polozovas designed a residential house here, which belongs to the Modern [Art Nouveau] period. A century later, a trapezoidal extension was built in the inner courtyard of the house along the boundaries of the inner courtyard, designed by architect L. Vaitys. As the new owner of the building decided to exhibit art here, an interesting synthesis between art and office space was born. Both the building itself and its interior concept have two parts. The old part of the building, which is valuable for its history, has the image of a "museum", while the new part of the building, which has a contemporary spatial structure, has the image of a "gallery". Although the concept of a museum conjures up a highly sophisticated, luxurious space, it was decided not to prolong the history, but to keep authentic fragments of it. Between one and four layers of old plaster were exposed on the walls and ceiling. The oldest were searched for. Valuable decorative patterns and plaster colours were found: ultramarine, ochre, red ochre and dark green. All of this has been left authentically and the losses have been treated with special technology. The authentic oak parquet has also been restored and the joinery has been preserved. The old part of the building has a reception area and four meeting rooms, with executive offices on the second floor. "The gallery" is designed according to the canonical principles of a clean, bright, regular space that is dedicated to works of art; the environment must not compete with its valuable content. In the new part of the building, the atrium has been transformed into a large exhibition and event space. The surrounding offices are spread over all three floors of the building. They are separated only by a frameless glass window, so that the works on display in each cabinet can be seen by walking through the galleries. The art on display here not only contributes to the uniqueness of the working environment, but also creates emotional value for the employees by stimulating creativity, imagination and cultural education.