"Radio House" is the space where radio is born and lives. The administrative building, located in the very centre of Vilnius, on A. Smetona Street, houses all the infrastructure necessary for the operation of radio stations (live broadcasting and sound recording studios, creative, technical and administrative departments, etc.), as well as an exhibition of the history of the M-1 radio group. The clients' idea of creating a "Radio House" implied a cosy, home-like feel to the interior. The building, built in 1954, has a post-war, "Stalinist" style. Its facades are preserved, so only the exterior has been cleaned up and architectural lighting installed. The adaptation of the building for office use has retained the network of capital walls and the characteristic corridor system, but has tried to let in as much natural light as possible into the deeper rooms. The aim was to create a modern, comfortable interior while retaining the historic features of the building. The architectural elements reflecting the spirit of the period have been preserved, such as the plaster ceiling frames and rosettes, and some of the characteristic interior materials of the time have been used (mosaic concrete, natural oak veneer, solid wood railings, etc.). Many of the interior materials were dictated by function (specially designed plasterboard partitions, acoustic felt and segmented stone wool ceilings, spray-on and prefabricated acoustic wall coverings, carpets, high acoustic performance timber windows, framed glass shopfronts and doors etc.).